St. Pr. Estrada (IMP) – Blue Hors Zack x De Niro
Date of birth: March, 2009
Sire: Blue hors Zack
Dam Sire: De Niro
Estrada is a tall large framed mare, with a beautiful head and front and exceptional movement. Imported in 2012 as a 4 year old after successfully completing her mare test, Estrada is one of only a handful of Zack daughters in Australia.
Estrada has already proven herself as an excellent broodmare. Her first foal was the highest scoring colt Australia wide on the 2017 ‘ACE Group’ Assessment Tour and is currently a stallion in WA. Her second foal by Doctor Royal achieved a premium award in the 2019 ‘ACE Group’ Assessment Tour and her 2019 ET filly by Franklin was awarded Champion Open Led Horse- Vic on the AWHA Ltd 2020 National Championship and Classification Tour. In 2021 she had 2 fillies, one by Stedinger and an ET by Furstenball. Her Stedinger filly, Springside Safira, was a top 10 Hannoverian foal on the 2022 tour and was the Australian Champion on the AWHA tour.
Sire description
Dam description
Blue Hors Zack |
Rousseau Orona |
Ferro Zsuzsa Jazz Karona |
Haupstutbuch Estella |
De Niro Haupstutbuch Escordia |
Donnerhall Haupstutbuch Alicante Cordial Medoc Haupstutbuch Estelle |