Springside Floriani
Dark Brown filly, to mature approx 17.0hh
DOB: December, 2019
Sire: Franklin (IFS)
Damsire: Blue Hors Zack
Floriani is a beautiful, light and agile filly, with an exceptional uphill canter. She fills the eye and covers the ground lightly.
Floriani scored 90% in her AWHA foal assessment.
Sire description
Franklin (KWPN)(IFS) - Franklin is an extremely interesting champion stallion by the popular and internationally recognized Ampére. Franklin won both the 2013 KWPN licensing and 50 Day 2013 KWPN performance test. In the performance test, he scored 9.5's for his canter and self carriage, and 9.0's for suppleness, rideability and dressage potential. He then went on to win the 5 yr. old championship at the 2015 KWPN national stallion show in s' Hertogenbosch under Spanish rider Severo Jurardo Lopez. He was rewarded a 9.5 for his trot, 8.0 for walk, and 8.5's for canter, rideability and general impression. Franklin's offspring show a high dressage potential and several have inherited his beautiful expression and great movement with active hind legs and a strong topline. Several of his offspring have sold for top prices at auction including DWB Champion dressage filly, Faretti, who sold for 150,000 euros and was named DWB Filly of the Year in 2017. Her full sister, Farreti II was sold for top price at auction in 2018. Another successful filly is DWB Champion Dressage Filly, Francisca Lightfoot. Franklin's first crop of sons have been approved with Kadans becoming the reserve champion of the 2018 KWPN licensing.
Dam description
Estrada (Oldenburger)(IMP) - Estrada is a tall large framed mare, with a beautiful head and front and exceptional movement. Imported in 2012 as a 4 year old after successfully completing her mare test, Estrada is one of only a handful of Zack daughters in Australia. Estrada has already proven herself as an excellent broodmare. Her first foal was the highest scoring colt Australia wide on the 2017 ‘ACE Group’ Assessment Tour and is currently a stallion in WA. Her second foal by Doctor Royal achieved a premium award in the 2019 ‘ACE Group’ Assessment Tour and her 2019 ET filly by Franklin was awarded Champion Open Led Horse- Vic on the AWHA Ltd 2020 National Championship and Classification Tour. In 2021 she had 2 fillies, one by Stedinger and an ET by Furstenball. Her Stedinger filly, Springside Safira, was a top 10 Hannoverian foal on the 2022 tour and was the Australian Champion on the AWHA tour.
Franklin (IFS) |
Ampere Warkle |
Rousseau Larivola Ferro Sparkle M |
St. Pr. A. S1 Estrada (Imp) |
Blue Hors Zack Haupstutbuch Estella |
Rousseau Orona De Niro Haupstutbuch Escordia |